About Us
- History: The Children Department of the Africa Inland Church Tanzania started in 2022
- Vision Statement: Church children living holy life and glorify God in their lives.
- Mission Statement: Serving Children spiritually, mentally, physically, socially in their respective churchies.
- Values: building the sprit of compassion, love, good relationships, accountability, transparency for church children
- Conduct children camps
- Training children leaders
- Outreach campaigns through children Crusade
- Children competition through singing,,children talents,,verses memorizing and preaching.
- Children safety and protection campaign
- Community Bible Study for children
- Organizing and Teaching Religious period at Primary schools
- Helping special groups like Orphan and street children
- Promoting talents among churchies children
- To teach children the word of God effectively
- Children protection
- Fellowship and good relationships
- Children accountability
Other Members
Fullname | Gender | Position |
Mussa Lusana | Male | Teacher |
Image | Title | Posted on | Action |
- Community Bible Study(CBS)
- Mwanza Children Action Network( MCAN)
Head Office: Makongoro Road, Isamilo Ward, Mwanza City: P.O Box 905 Mwanza, Tanzania.
+255 758 949 371/ +255 652 816 561