About Us
- History: The Christian Education Department of Africa Inland Church Tanzania, started as Bible Clubs movement through Africa Inland Mission(A.I.M) on 1956. Dealing with Bible study groups and ministry of Christian education in schools. 1962, started to be called, Sunday school of Africa Inland Church of Tanzania. 1980/81, started to be call a Department of Christian Education of Africa Inland Church of Tanzania.
- Vision Statement: To have a church which her members are matured transformed physically, spiritually and emotionally by the teaching of the Word of God and they are making disciples.
- Mission Statement: To teach the word of God to all age groups in and out of the church through conducting training, seminars for teachers, Pastors, Evangelistic and all ministers of the word of God.
- Values: building the spirit of compassion, love, unity, good relationships, accountability and transparency.
- Objectives:
- Promoting training, seminars of the word of God which have the sound doctrine
- To help the Christian to be mature by the word of God and be able to make disciples.
- Conduct teachings, seminars to teachers, Pastors, Evangelistic and minister of the word of God.
- Preparing training manual which have all the subjects are needed accordingly the age group.
- Purchasing books for training materials.
- Bible study for adults in the church
Other Members
Fullname |
Gender |
Position |
Emmanuel Nyamalya | Male | Pastor |
Manase | Male | Christian |
Daniel Lumala | Male | Project coordinator |
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Posted on |
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- Petra Institute
- Allianz Mission
- Head Office: Makongoro Road, Isamilo Ward, Mwanza City
- P.O Box 905 Mwanza, Tanzania.
- E-mail: ekt.aict@gmail.com
0755994892; 0676994891