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Ujenzi wa ofisi za makao makuu ya AICT umeendelea tangu tarehe 28/07/2023 baada ya kusimama kwa miaka mingi, hadi kufika tarehe 22/12/2023 kazi ya ujenzi kwa hatua ya ...
Africa Inland Church Tanzania, was born at Nassa village, Mwanza in 1909. Earlier in 1887 missionaries from Church Missionary Society(CMS) had arrived at Nassa Village to open a church. For more than twenty years CMA missionaries had served in the Lake zone of Tanzania (than Tanganyika) opening churches.
For some reasons they decided to move to Uganda but they did not want to desert the young congregation. They looked for someone to carry on the work from where they had reached.
Learn moreAfrica Inland Church Tanzania, was born at Nassa village, Mwanza in 1909. Earlier in 1887 missionaries from Church Missionary Society(CMS) had arrived at Nassa Village to open a church. For more than twenty years CMA missionaries had served in the Lake zone of Tanzania (than Tanganyika) opening churches.
For some reasons they decided to move to Uganda but they did not want to desert the young congregation. They looked for someone to carry on the work from where they had reached.
Learn moreUjenzi wa ofisi za makao makuu ya AICT umeendelea tangu tarehe 28/07/2023 baada ya kusimama kwa miaka mingi, hadi kufika tarehe 22/12/2023 kazi ya ujenzi kwa hatua ya ...